While you can do exercises that target muscles in a problem area, you can’t get rid of fat in just one spot, unfortunately. When you lose weight, your body generalizes fat loss across your frame. That means that even the fittest person might still have trouble spots where excess fat just won’t seem to budge.

But you’re not stuck with those issues. At Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics in Delray Beach, Florida, Dr. Peymon Zarreii and our team can target unwanted fat. We use an injectable treatment called Kybella® to literally destroy the fat cells in the treated area. If you’ve got stubborn fat you’ve always wanted to lose, it’s time to talk to our team.

How Kybella works

The FDA initially approved Kybella as a treatment for double chins. When injected in targeted locations underneath the chin, Kybella destroys the fat cells in that area. This treatment contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid, a substance you already have in your body that helps you break down fat.

When Dr. Zarreii injects it under your chin, the deoxycholic acid seeks out fat cells and destroys them. Once treated with Kybella, those cells lose their ability to store fat. That means that provided you don’t gain extra weight, your results last for life.

Dr. Zarreii currently offers Kybella treatment for excess fat under your chin. If you want a more svelte profile, don’t hesitate to ask our team about this convenient treatment option.

Expanding Kybella for body contouring

While Kybella works extremely effectively to reduce the appearance of double chins, Dr. Zarreii knows that you might have stubborn fat in other places. To address those problem areas, he offers Kybella body contouring. With this injectable treatment, he can target fat cells on your:

  • Abdomen
  • Back
  • Buttocks
  • Knees
  • Upper arms

Each injection usually only takes about 20 minutes and comes with minimal downtime. You might experience some bruising or swelling — but it should dissipate quickly.

Some people get their ideal body contour with one Kybella treatment, but you may need a series of treatments to reach your shape goals. Many people opt for six Kybella sessions to best address the unwanted fat cells in the areas that most bother them. Ask Dr. Zarreii so he can customize a Kybella body contouring plan for you.

To get started with this quick way to address stubborn fat, contact our team at Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics by either calling us or booking your appointment online.

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