2020 has cast a spotlight on the importance of a strong immune system. During this pandemic, we’ve all realized just how critical it is to support our bodies so they can fend off illnesses.

Fortunately, you can defend against certain health conditions with vaccines. Staying up to date on your vaccines is one of the best things you can do to protect your long-term health. And that includes getting your annual flu shot.

You can get the flu shot you need to avoid seasonal influenza — and the days of fatigue and uncomfortable symptoms that come with it — right here at Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics in Delray Beach, Florida. At our office, Dr. Peymon Zarreii offers the flu shot and other vaccinations to keep you healthy.

Still not convinced you should get a flu shot this year? Here are a few things to consider.

#1: It protects you

When you get the flu shot, you encourage your body to create antibodies. These are basically defenders that specifically attack the most prevalent current strains of the flu virus. In other words, getting a flu shot is a lot like adding a security detail to your body that’s trained to fight against influenza.

With these antibodies, you’re a lot less likely to get the flu and its unwelcome symptoms like fever, exhaustion, chills, and body aches. In short, it’s a way to significantly reduce your risk of feeling crummy this winter.

#2: It protects others

The flu shot doesn’t just safeguard your own body. It also reduces your risk of carrying the flu — even asymptomatically. And that means you’re less likely to pass it on to the people to whom it could pose a serious health risk, like individuals over the age of 65.

#3: It’s fast and easy

Dr. Zarreii is offering the flu shot right here at our office and getting it takes just minutes. Plus, most insurance plans cover this vaccine in full, meaning it might be free for you to get.

#4: It changes every year

If you’ve had the flu shot in previous years, you might think you don’t need a vaccination this flu season. Actually, though, influenza is constantly evolving. Scientists formulate the flu shot each year to protect against the most common strains of the flu right now. By getting your flu shot at the start of each flu season, you protect yourself and others against the strain of flu that’s most likely to impact our community here in Delray Beach.

Don’t wait to schedule your flu shot. Contact our team at Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics to schedule your appointment by calling us or booking your visit online today.

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