Do you look in the mirror and find multiple things you wish you could change? For example, you might wish you could get rid of stubborn belly fat and also minimize the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on your face or hands. What if there were a treatment that could both slim you down and smooth you out at the same time?

At the Zarreii Medical and Aesthetics office in Delray Beach, Florida, board-certified physician Peymon Zarreii, MD offers liposuction/fat transfer procedures to give you the body and look of your dreams.

The secret behind fat transfer

When you decide to get fat transfer, you’re opting for a safe procedure that uses your body’s own natural cells instead of synthetic injectables. Fat transfer is exactly what it sounds like – the transfer of fat cells from one part of your body to another. The fat is extracted via liposuction and then purified before being injected into the target area. Here’s how it works:


First, you’ll have a consultation to discuss your hopes for your new look and to make sure you’re a good candidate for fat transfer. Dr. Zarreii will go over the procedure with you and discuss how much liposuction will be done, where on your body the fat will be taken from, and where it will be injected.


Dr. Zarreii will remove fat from an area where there is an excess, usually your midsection, hips, thighs, or buttocks. Liposuction provides the benefit of slimming down that area while harvesting the fat for the transfer. You’ll get a local anesthetic to numb you during the liposuction, and you can also request an oral sedative to help you relax – not put you to sleep – during the procedure.

Fat transfer

The medical team will process and purify your fat, preparing it for injection. Then Dr. Zareii will inject it into the targeted areas on your face or hands. You’ll get a skin numbing agent first, then a tiny needle will be used to inject the fat cells along wrinkles and lines to plump them up for a fresher, younger, smoother look.

After-effects of fat transfer

The effects of a fat transfer can last for much longer than typical fillers. You’ll need a recovery time of a week or so before soreness goes away from the liposuction. But because the fat comes from your own body, the chance of an adverse reaction to the injections is slim.

Want to look slim, young, and wrinkle free? Contact our office to request a consultation using the online scheduler, or book your appointment by calling the office directly at 561-264-2307.

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